Finis operis
So, on Sunday 15 December, 34 months almost to the day after I was first approached to embark on a new translation of Der Zauberberg, 26 months after sending off my sample, 2 years after signing the contract with OUP and about 18 months after starting in earnest after a fund-raising hiatus, I have reached the end of the novel. Page 1085 where it says FINIS OPERIS.
Not that this is the end, mind. Not by a long chalk.
I need to send off the final draft of the sixth and final section to my editor Ritchie Robertson, meet him in Oxford on 7 January to discuss the second half, and hand in my finished manuscript by 31 January 2025.
And then the revisions and copy-editing and proofreading and so on can begin.
Still some road to go, then...