Solothurn Literature Festival, 10-12 May 2024

Great three days at the Solothurner Literaturtage. The weather was perfect. The town is a delight.

Thursday evening:
Opening ceremony with live paper collage by the wonderful Anna Sommer (her graphic novel "Tinte" is a feast of colour and fun).

Profile of my translations to date with Ulrich Blumenbach, focusing on Christoph Ransmayr, Nina George, Katja Lange-Müller and Max Frisch.

Also saw Laura Leupi (Das Alphabet der sexualisierten Gewalt) and a slam/hiphop performance by Burni Aman.

Listened to Simone Meier / Anne Weber & Levin Westermann / Dorothea Trottenberg / Pedro Lenz /Nadine Olonetzky

Discussed "Retranslating the classics – 'The Magic Mountain' by Thomas Mann and 'A Dangerous Game' by Friedrich Dürrenmatt" with Alexandre Pateau, chaired by Steven Wyss.

Also saw: X Schneeberger / debate on Fiktion der Zukunft

Many, many thanks to Omar Blangiardi and all the team at Solothurner Literaturtage, and to Ulrich, Steven and Alexandre. Came home with one helluva buzz!

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